On Edge
directed by
Catarina Mourão
64 minutes
European Football Cup, Portugal. The country is relying on the team to raise its morale. The film is set in a poor neighborhood following a group of idle pre-adolescents. Games are watched outdoors like a religious ritual. Rui, unlike the others, doesn’t watch football: he takes refuge in a dream-like world.
Photography  João Ribeiro
Editing  Catarina Mourão e Pedro Mateus Duarte
Sound Catarina Mourão
2006 Prémio Melhor Filme da Competição Internacional no Fórum de Documentário de Belo Horizonte

Festivals and exhibitions
2005 NAFA Film Festival Copenhaga - work in progress
2006 IndieLisboa International Film Festival
2006 Difusão no canal Finlandês YLE
2006 Tartu World Film Festival
2006 Gottingen International Film Festival
2006 1er Rencontres Internationales Cinéma sport de Montréal 
2006 Doc’s Kingdom
2006 VI Festival of Visual Culture
2006 3rd MoscowInt.VisualAnthropology Festival “MediatingCamera” 
2007 Transmissão na RTP2 
2008 Studio des Ursulines
2012 O Melhor Futuro 1.0 - promovido pela no espaço do Laboratório das Artes, Julho 2012
2013 II Semana da Língua e Cultura Portuguesas em Rostov-no-Don
2013 La 26 Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá